The newly launched Custard Pi 4 provides 8 digital I/O per board. Each board can be set to one of 8 seperate I2C addresses. When you use 8 Custard Pi 4s you can get upto 64 digital I/O with each pin individually programmable as an input or an output.
There are two programs listed below. One has some functions defined which is then used by the second program to test out the Custard Pi 4.
The functions -
This program defines the I2C bus addresses that are available. It sets up the I2C 8 port buffer (MCP23008) as 4 inputs and 4 outputs. Bits 0 to 3 are set as inputs and bits 4 to 7 are set as outputs. It then defines the values to set each output as a High or a Low (ONbit and OFFbit). Then it defines functions which can be called from the test routine.
#1/usr/bin/env python
import time
import smbus
# Custard Pi 4 resources v1.0 22nd April 2016
#I2C addresses
#Set suitable address on Custard Pi 4
add0= 0x20
add1= 0x21
add2= 0x22
add3= 0x23
add4= 0x24
add5= 0x25
add6= 0x26
add7= 0x27
#set IODIR register
iodir= 0x00
#set bit 0 to 3 as inputs, bits 4 to 7 as outputs
inout= 0x0F
#set GPIO register
gpio= 0x09
#set output latch
#set output HIGH
ONbit4= 0x10
ONbit5= 0x20
ONbit6= 0x40
ONbit7= 0x80
#set output LOW
OFFbit4= 0xEF
OFFbit5= 0xDF
OFFbit6= 0xBF
OFFbit7= 0x7F
def setbit(address, byte):
#sets selected port pin
outstatus = bus.read_byte_data(address, olat) | byte
bus.write_byte_data(address, gpio, outstatus)
def clrbit(address, byte):
#clears selected port pin
outstatus = bus.read_byte_data(address, olat) & byte
bus.write_byte_data (address, gpio, outstatus)
def readbit(address, bit):
#read status of bit 0 to 3
bitvalue = bus.read_byte_data(address, gpio) & bit
return bitvalue
def setinandout(address):
#set inputs & outputs
bus.write_byte_data(address, iodir, inout)
def setpullups(address):
#set inputs & outputs
bus.write_byte_data(address, 0x06, 0xFF)
def alloff(address):
#clear all outputs low
bus.write_byte_data (address, gpio, 0x00)
The test routine -
This test routine defines the I2C address to be used (add0. It then uses the command ‘setinandout’ to set bit 0 to 3 as inputs and bit 4 to 7 as outputs. All the outputs have pullups enabled and then switched to zero as default.
The test routine then sets each output High in turn and then Low again after a 0.5S pause. It then reads each of the 4 input in turn and prints out the status to the screen
#1/usr/bin/env python
import time
import cpi4
#start program
while True:
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit4)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit5)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit6)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit7)
time.sleep (0.5)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit4)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit5)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit6)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit7)
time.sleep (0.5)
bit0 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x01))
bit1 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x02))
bit2 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x04))
bit3 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x08))
if bit0 == 0:
print "bit0 low"
print "bit0 high"
if bit1 == 0:
print "bit1 low"
print "bit1 high"
if bit2 == 0:
print "bit2 low"
print "bit2 high"
if bit3 == 0:
print "bit3 low"
print "bit3 high"
print "***************************"
import sys
Each Custard Pi 4 allows the user complete flexibility in how each
Digital I/O is configured. So for example with a single card the user can have
8 inputs, 8 outputs, 4 inputs & 4 outputs or indeed any other combination
just by setting up the I/O expander IC (MCP23008) as required.

As the I2C address on each card be changed the user can use upto 8
of these with a single Raspberry Pi. This allows the user even more flexibility
and some of the possible combinations are shown below.
* 64 digital
* 64 digital inputs
* 32 digital outputs and 32 digital inputs
* 64 digital inputs
* 32 digital outputs and 32 digital inputs
The image above shows 4 x Custard Pi 4 boards giving the user upto 32 digital I/O to play with.
The Custard Pi 4 uses a stacking 26 way
connector. What this means is that when it is plugged into the Raspberry Pi
GPIO, these pins are still available for other accessories. The Custard Pi 4
can also be plugged into the 40 pin GPIO provided on the later raspberry Pi’s
such as the A+. B+, Raspberry Pi 2,3 and
Zero models.
When using the I2C bus of the MCP23008 the 3 key registers are as follows.
IODIR - this sets which bit is an output and which one is an input
GPIO - this reads the status of the inputs
OLAT - this sets the output latch
The Custard Pi 4 uses the I2C bus and provides plenty of I/O for projects. Sample code is presented below.
Appendix : Sample code for setting up and using the Custard Pi 4
There are two programs listed below. One has some functions defined which is then used by the second program to test out the Custard Pi 4.
The functions -
This program defines the I2C bus addresses that are available. It sets up the I2C 8 port buffer (MCP23008) as 4 inputs and 4 outputs. Bits 0 to 3 are set as inputs and bits 4 to 7 are set as outputs. It then defines the values to set each output as a High or a Low (ONbit and OFFbit). Then it defines functions which can be called from the test routine.
#1/usr/bin/env python
import time
import smbus
# Custard Pi 4 resources v1.0 22nd April 2016
#I2C addresses
#Set suitable address on Custard Pi 4
add0= 0x20
add1= 0x21
add2= 0x22
add3= 0x23
add4= 0x24
add5= 0x25
add6= 0x26
add7= 0x27
#set IODIR register
iodir= 0x00
#set bit 0 to 3 as inputs, bits 4 to 7 as outputs
inout= 0x0F
#set GPIO register
gpio= 0x09
#set output latch
#set output HIGH
ONbit4= 0x10
ONbit5= 0x20
ONbit6= 0x40
ONbit7= 0x80
#set output LOW
OFFbit4= 0xEF
OFFbit5= 0xDF
OFFbit6= 0xBF
OFFbit7= 0x7F
def setbit(address, byte):
#sets selected port pin
outstatus = bus.read_byte_data(address, olat) | byte
bus.write_byte_data(address, gpio, outstatus)
def clrbit(address, byte):
#clears selected port pin
outstatus = bus.read_byte_data(address, olat) & byte
bus.write_byte_data (address, gpio, outstatus)
def readbit(address, bit):
#read status of bit 0 to 3
bitvalue = bus.read_byte_data(address, gpio) & bit
return bitvalue
def setinandout(address):
#set inputs & outputs
bus.write_byte_data(address, iodir, inout)
def setpullups(address):
#set inputs & outputs
bus.write_byte_data(address, 0x06, 0xFF)
def alloff(address):
#clear all outputs low
bus.write_byte_data (address, gpio, 0x00)
The test routine -
This test routine defines the I2C address to be used (add0. It then uses the command ‘setinandout’ to set bit 0 to 3 as inputs and bit 4 to 7 as outputs. All the outputs have pullups enabled and then switched to zero as default.
The test routine then sets each output High in turn and then Low again after a 0.5S pause. It then reads each of the 4 input in turn and prints out the status to the screen
#1/usr/bin/env python
import time
import cpi4
#start program
while True:
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit4)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit5)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit6)
time.sleep (0.2)
cpi4.setbit(board1, cpi4.ONbit7)
time.sleep (0.5)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit4)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit5)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit6)
cpi4.clrbit(board1, cpi4.OFFbit7)
time.sleep (0.5)
bit0 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x01))
bit1 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x02))
bit2 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x04))
bit3 = (cpi4.readbit (board1, 0x08))
if bit0 == 0:
print "bit0 low"
print "bit0 high"
if bit1 == 0:
print "bit1 low"
print "bit1 high"
if bit2 == 0:
print "bit2 low"
print "bit2 high"
if bit3 == 0:
print "bit3 low"
print "bit3 high"
print "***************************"
import sys
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