Friday, 26 September 2014

Raspberry Pi B+ GPIO compatibility

There are many plug in boards for the Raspberry Pi model B (2 x 13 pin connector) which are now not compatible with the Model B+ as this has 2 x 20 pin connector. Even if they plug in, they can interfere with some of the components as the position of the GPIO has moved.

Fortunately the entire Custard Pi range is compatible with the Model A, B and the Model B+.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Mains Switch Widget for Home Automation

The Mains Switch Widget allows the user to switch 230V or 110V mains ON and OFF to mains powered devices from microcontrollers like the PIC and the Arduino or from single board computers like the Raspberry Pi and the Beaglebone. All the safety requirements are designed-in to prevent any faults resulting in a fire. A plastic enclosure is supplied to prevent the user from accidentally touching the mains voltage.